Sep 26, 2019 | Communication, Leadership
There are many things that come to mind when we hear the word ‘communication’. From a leadership standpoint, communication is important as leaders oversee a group of individuals with the intent of motivating them to achieve reaching an overall vision. Effective...
Jan 4, 2017 | Church Ministry, Leadership
Biblical metaphors relative to the laws giving and receiving include no mention of grateful crows, but a little girl in Seattle, Washington has proven they might well have done so. Eight year old Gabi Mann began sharing part of her lunch with the crows each day. No...
Dec 21, 2016 | Business Leadership, Leadership
In reference to a news story from California I posted a column on The Leader’s Notebook (The Slaughter in Arroyo Valley – 01/21/15) which was somewhat controversial. Indeed, I knew it would be. I hope you will read it again or for the first time as the case may...
Dec 7, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
Imagine a scenario in which two widely known and well respected ministerial leaders have a serious conflict over which associate to hire, so serious in fact that they end their professional association and go their separate ways. Each then hires his own...
Oct 19, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
First of all, I’m not opposed to mission statements. There. I’ve said that. However, having said it, I hasten to add there is little energy in a mission statement. “Loving God, Loving People” ...