Core Qualities of Principled Leaders

Core Qualities of Principled Leaders

Are character qualities something you look at when it comes to the idea of leadership? Whether it’s yourself or a leaders influence over your life, character is more valuable in the role of leadership than power, position or influence. Here are just some of the...

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To Lead is to Serve Part Two

To Lead is to Serve Part Two

Though the philosophy of servant leadership can be applied at any time, it reaches its full development over the course of stewarding specific traits and characteristics. Characteristics that are developed within each leader and then sown into the body of the...

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To Lead is to Serve Part One

To Lead is to Serve Part One

Servant leadership is exactly just that. A leader who looks to serve others as their first priority. It’s about building up your team by placing their needs first in order to help develop them that they may be able to perform responsibilities at a greater level. Some...

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Leadership and Competition

Leadership and Competition

 In reference to a news story from California I posted a column on The Leader’s Notebook (The Slaughter in Arroyo Valley - 01/21/15) which was somewhat controversial. Indeed, I knew it would be. I hope you will read it again or for the first time as the case may be,...

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