Brand Recovery

Brand Recovery

A man on an airplane told me his organization was considering hiring on a "brand consultant." This interested me since branding and brand recovery is something I teach on at the National Institute of Christian Leadership. As we talked further, however, I realized that...

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The Supernatural Power of Loyalty

The Supernatural Power of Loyalty

The redemptive grace of loyalty is so powerful that it can literally fill any situation with healing and miraculous blessings. Any force that powerful, however, cannot be violated without dire consequences. There are few virtues in the kingdom more honored by God that...

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Leadership in a Storm

Leadership in a Storm

The seas of human life, so lashed as they are by storms of crisis and controversy, are where real leaders do their duty. Happily-ever-after only happens in the movies. Real life, and therefore real leadership, is actually one storm after another punctuated by brief...

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The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

When I was in undergraduate school, my Western Literature professor was a young firebrand atheist who made no secret of his disdain for religion. One day in class someone asked him what he thought was the greatest single poem ever written. He shocked us all when he...

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