In Defense of Ordinary Heroes

In Defense of Ordinary Heroes

      The inimitable Bill O'Reilly now fines his guests who use any of several shop worn phases. Notable among these is "at the end of the day." Whether they actually pay up, I have no way of knowing. It may be a "theoretical" fine. However, watching O'Reilly from a...

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Victory in a Valley

Victory in a Valley

Before we find victory in the last valley, we must, as David did, find the submitted faith to use the first person possessive. David did not say, the shepherd, or a shepherd, or even our shepherd. He said my shepherd. “the Lord is my shepherd” (Ps 23:1). David...

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The Nevertheless of Obedience

The Nevertheless of Obedience

The nevertheless of naked obedience unlocks more miracles than we can imagine. The bridge between our discouragement and God’s will is nevertheless, and on the other side are the bulging nets of His bounty. C.T. Studd was in his fifties, sickly and burdened with an...

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