Jul 13, 2016 | Business Leadership, Leadership
Some years ago, while serving as a university president, I attended a conference for college administrators. I heard one president tell another, “I hate it when my vice presidents can’t agree. Sometimes when I’m trying to get what ought to be a...
Jul 6, 2016 | Business Leadership, Leadership
Most people have a merciless expectation of themselves; they vow never to do or say anything outrageously stupid. Most of us learn the hard way that this is absolutely impossible – at least this has always been impossible for me. I ran into an acquaintance I had...
Jun 29, 2016 | Business Leadership, Leadership
It is impossible to overstate the importance of short-term wins in the process of leading any team or organization through the rocky rapids of change. If you take over a team that went 2-13 the last four years, do NOT schedule Alabama for your home opener, believing...
Jun 13, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Culture, Education, Leadership
I have spent most my life in leadership at one level or another. My leadership experience began in sports, playing, coaching and officiating. That season was invaluable, as was every subsequent phase of the journey in pastoral leadership, in the non-profit world, in...
Jun 1, 2016 | Business Leadership, Culture, Leadership
The Portland Public School Board recently voted to ban from all its schools any book, magazine, pamphlet or other material that expresses any doubt about climate change. Students at DePaul University invaded a speech by conservative speaker, Milo Yiannopolous,...
May 25, 2016 | Business Leadership, Leadership
Many miss the greater truth of courage by thinking of it solely in terms of bravery. Though bravery may be admirable, courage is far more than valor in the face of danger. Courage and heroism are not exactly the same. Acts of heroism may or may not be proof of true...