Avoiding Bad Partnerships

Avoiding Bad Partnerships

No man is an island. Good alliances in life can be a source of empowerment and resources for advancement. But bad alliances can be a destructive source of great pain. There are many things that can make for bad “partnerships,” and I use the term loosely to mean top...
The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

When I was in undergraduate school, my Western Literature professor was a young firebrand atheist who made no secret of his disdain for religion. One day in class someone asked him what he thought was the greatest single poem ever written. He shocked us all when he...
Honesty in Communication

Honesty in Communication

Honesty is correct relationship with the highest level of reality. God Himself is ultimate reality. Truth is sacred because departure from truth is departure from God. The issue of truth is crucial to what we believe to be true about God and life. Satan is a liar and...
In Defense of Ordinary Heroes

In Defense of Ordinary Heroes

      The inimitable Bill O’Reilly now fines his guests who use any of several shop worn phases. Notable among these is “at the end of the day.” Whether they actually pay up, I have no way of knowing. It may be a “theoretical” fine....

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