Mar 21, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
Before we find victory in the last valley, we must, as David did, find the submitted faith to use the first person possessive. David did not say, the shepherd, or a shepherd, or even our shepherd. He said my shepherd. “the Lord is my shepherd” (Ps 23:1). David...
Mar 17, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Education, Leadership
“Bodies at rest remain at rest. Bodies in motion remain in motion.” Sound familiar? I am quite certain you have heard and quoted Newton’s First Law of Motion many times. Nowadays it is most often quoted in respect to exercise, which, since I am...
Mar 15, 2016 | Leadership
The nevertheless of naked obedience unlocks more miracles than we can imagine. The bridge between our discouragement and God’s will is nevertheless, and on the other side are the bulging nets of His bounty. C.T. Studd was in his fifties, sickly and burdened with an...
Mar 11, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Education, Leadership
The National Institute of Christian Leadership was carefully designed with practicality as its preeminent and presiding value. I have developed every page of the NICL material with one idea as my true north. Keep it practical. That was the foundation upon which the...
Mar 8, 2016 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
Why do the speed-to-market folks struggle so with the people up in legal and accounting? Why does the church administrator think the music director is the anti-Christ? What makes a security guard so deeply resentful of a professor who just wants her classroom unlocked...
Mar 7, 2016 | Book, Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
“His servants shall serve him” (Revelation 22:3) God only knows the billions of dollars and countless kilowatts of emotional and psychological energy that have been wasted by people in search of purpose. Many plunge through relationships, jobs and avocations in a...