Dec 17, 2015 | Audio Podcast, Church Ministry, Leadership
Hear Dr. Mark Rutland’s interview on the Greenelines leadership podcast with Dr. Steve Greene. Learn how you can become a stronger leader and relaunch your skills. Don’t fall into three downward leadership principles on vision, energy, and...
Dec 15, 2015 | Church Ministry, Leadership
When I was in high school, lo these many moons ago, I earned the money to buy my first car working at the local Foodland. Until closing most nights and all day Saturdays, I stocked shelves, swept floors and carried groceries out to the cars of those who requested that...
Dec 8, 2015 | Bible, Church Ministry, Leadership
Great leadership is multidimensional. The facets of the jewel of leadership are wonderfully on display in the Hebrew Bible. Nuanced words used at different places in the Old Testament reveal different aspects of leadership, or perhaps different types of leadership...
Dec 1, 2015 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
One way of stating the leader/manager’s job description is actually “senior decision maker.” I think that among the biggest and most disconcerting of all the surprises that I had in moving, lo these many years ago, into the senior executive role was...
Nov 24, 2015 | Business Leadership, Church Ministry, Leadership
The teenager who wants to borrow her mother’s car needs to learn not to ask in the moments just following her mom’s long and harrowing commute home from work. The employee who wants a raise should never ask right after the boss has announced that the...
Nov 17, 2015 | Book, Leadership
Excerpt from CHARACTER MATTERS by Dr. Mark Rutland Its young men gone to death or in prisoner of war camps far in the North, its heartland in ashes and its agriculture and industry destroyed, the South, in 1865, was shattered. Postwar poverty and a deep sense of shame...