Should Christians Go to College?

Should Christians Go to College?

Some Christians are ‘too spiritual’ for higher education. Take my advice: God can use a few sharp minds. While history waited, while souls perished and Israel languished under the yoke of Gentile oppression, the Messiah prepared in anonymity. Humanity...
Money Is Not Evil

Money Is Not Evil

Our character is revealed in the way we handle the finances God entrusts to us. I think the church has often failed to communicate a balanced view of prosperity. On the one hand there are the hyperspiritual who say money is altogether evil. Get it away from you. Give...
10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was 21, Part 2

10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was 21, Part 2

Read part 1 10-things-i-wish-id-known-when-i-was-21 5. Brokenness is the doorway to wholeness. This mysterious paradox was hidden from me at 21. I feared brokenness. I ran from it, and when it got too close fought it off with all my might. If I had but known...
10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was 21, Part 2

10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was 21, Part 1

You might think you’re smart when you get out of college, but I suggest that the real education is only just the beginning. In an Amish kitchen in Bird-in-Hand, Pa., in the heart of Dutch country, I saw a sign I’ll never forget: “Too soon old, too late smart.”...
The Key to True Power

The Key to True Power

Jesus overturned every worldly idea about power when He introduced the concept of servant leadership. The Master’s question was breath-catchingly direct, and upon the tender flesh of their innermost unspoken desires it fell like a glowing coal. He said to them:...
Leaders Must Cultivate a Rich Inner Life

Leaders Must Cultivate a Rich Inner Life

A decade ago I went through the darkest time of my adult life that threatened my marriage and my leadership. It was a classic case of leader burnout. For me, it was an eclipse of the sun. The problem was that I lost touch with my own core connection on the inside. My...

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