Leadership in a Storm (2016)

Leadership in a Storm (2016)

In the light of Hurricane Matthew I want to offer some thoughts on: Leadership in a Storm      The seas of human life, so lashed as they are by storms of crisis and controversy, are where real leaders do their duty. Happily-ever-aftering only happens in the movies....
Witches Without Feathers

Witches Without Feathers

When, after a long recess in missions, I came back to pastor again in America, I was asked not infrequently if I was ever afraid in Africa. My answer was always, “Not so desperately or so often as I am now.” If you want to be really afraid, pastor an American...
Baca: Valley of Tears

Baca: Valley of Tears

There are equal and opposite errors with respect to the Valley of Baca. On the one hand are those particularly irritating “faith” preachers, so called, who claim that a true saint has no business in the Valley of Baca. They are not only boorish but shallow and...
Leadership When it’s Raining Catfish

Leadership When it’s Raining Catfish

   Imagine if it rained not cats and dogs but catfish. Imagine that you are walking in Philadelphia when suddenly a wet, slimy blow to the side of your face and neck knocks you to the ground. Now try to imagine realizing that the unexpected knock down was delivered...

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